[Final Project] Homepage

FRAGMENTS: [Scroll Through + highly recommend watching “The Internet Must Go”]

One example of a ‘peripheral’ display related to my topic would be the “Internet Blackout Day” which went down [look up date].
The PLACE where the Peripheral would occur should be either online (web display) or some kind of sign/public display where many would see it. The goal would be visibility/impact.

For my proposal, I want to shift the collective conversation towards the battle for internet policy / net neutrality going on behind scenes – primarily involves lobbying, interest groups, and big business.

If there were some way to keep track of all the millions of dollars spent behind the scenes (in private) to lobby against net neutrality / against public interest, my idea would involve presenting that statistic.
For example, it could be a website that users can visit. The website (interface) will display how much money is being spent in the political battle – and as a way of putting it into perspective, it could show other useful ways in which the money could be spent.
(IE: Why don’t they use that money to invest into infrastructure, or something else?)

If it were to be displayed in public, this idea would also work as a billboard or something along those lines in a big city or off of a busy highway.

= = =

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