Process of composing:


        I really just wanted to create a composition of fragments that would get the viewer thinking about internet policy / net neutrality, but I did NOT want to explicitly rally up a bunch of outrage.


      As for my method of selection, I really did just sort of go for a general ‘mood’. I looked at a lot of articles, watched a few videos, watched more than one documentary on the subject – and I ended up going with the ones that had the most impact on me (personally).
        The goal was to identify a blindspot. Most people are at least somewhat familiar with my topic – so I’m not trying to go over the basics and define tech terms or anything like that. I want them to think about reading between the lines, questioning why the debate means so much to big business interests, and whether or not transparency is important in this case.

Unconventional discourse, 

        I would argue, is the most effective way to write about an issue like this. Especially given how saturated the “attention economy” in our online world is. To overcome compassion fatigue, you need to have a fresh presentation. You need to mix things up. You need to mash things up. There’s a really fascinating documentary I watched called “Everything Is a Remix”, which delves into remixology. In my mind, I connected it with that video we watched in class where everything was a corporate logo and we were able to identify with it as cultural literacy.



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